Saiosh experienced phenomenal growth in 2018 with the implementation of exciting projects and initiatives to improve its benefits for members. I’m happy to report on key highlights and achievements in 2018: Total membership has grown to 12 382, as at December 31, 2018. Saiosh has been the official Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Conference host at the A-OSH South Africa Expo, which is held annually at Gallagher Convention Centre, for the past eight years. This International OHS Conference is held over two days with 11 speakers, at least two of which are international speakers. Saiosh purchased and moved into its modern new office during September. Saiosh was re-recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) in March 2018 for a further five years as the Professional Body for Occupational Health and Safety in terms of the NQF Act, Act 67 of 2008. The amended Saiosh memorandum of incorporation (MoI) that was approved by Council, earlier this year, and adopted by the members at the AGM on October 22, 2018, was accepted by Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CIPC). Saiosh and the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) United Kingdom (UK) have built closer working relationships. Several video conferences were held between the two organisations. Saiosh become a supporter of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) “No Time to Lose” campaign by signing a pledge to take action. Saiosh CEO, Neels Nortje, attended the IOSH Conference in Birmingham, United Kingdom (UK). The Saiosh Health and Safety Training Advisory Committee (Shastac) was established by the Saiosh Council after Saiosh had been contacted by numerous training providers asking for advice, direction and assistance related to Government Gazette Notice 1463. This notice made substantial changes to the first-aid training accreditation requirements. The purpose for the establishment of the Shastac is for the committee to advise Saiosh on all matters related to OHS short courses in order for Saiosh to lobby on behalf of its corporate members that provide OHS short courses. As the result of the formation of Shastac, the notice in question has been deferred by the Department of Labour (DoL). Saiosh signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Southern African Institute for Occupational Hygiene (SAIOH). The purpose of this MOU is to outline the arrangements for a closer interaction and support between Saiosh and SAIOH in the interests of the field of occupational health, safety and hygiene. In terms of the MoU, Saiosh and SAIOH agree to work together to advance the knowledge and professional practice of occupational safety, health and hygiene management between the two parties. They will also support each other through dialogue and activities designed to create a synergistic strategy for both parties to increase their memberships. More than 1 600 continuing professional development (CPD) points were earned by members attending ten free CPD OHS workshops during the past 12 months in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, Johannesburg and Durban. Saiosh to date accredited 85 (three during the period under review) courses that meet the criteria for professional registration at TechSaiosh level. The qualification level for TechSaiosh is pitched at NQF Level 5 with ten credits (ten-day course). Free online OHS advice and assistance for members: During the period under review, Saiosh has processed 987 queries. During the past 12 months Saiosh processed more than 13 000 online health and safety related queries (including queries received via e-mail). Saiosh entered into an agreement with an e-learning training provider to provide Saiosh members free access to a Construction Health and Safety e-learning programme. Under the period of review 731 e-learning modules have been successfully completed by members. In total more than 13 000 modules have been completed. We encourage members to renew their membership to continue receiving the great benefits to uplift the professionalism of OHS. Projects planned for 2019: • Saiosh will be sponsoring the 2019 free-to-attend seminar theatre and will also host the ninth Annual International Health and Safety Conference alongside the A-OSH Expo on May 14 and 15, in the Main Auditorium at the Gallagher Convention Centre. This conference and exhibition is Africa’s premium health and safety event that draws around 300 delegates per day to the conference and more than 2 500 delegates to the expo. • Saiosh will finalise the MoU with the DoL. • It will agree on an MoU with the IOSH in the UK. • Saiosh intends to undertake the valuable initiative of acquiring ISO 17024:2012 accreditation with South African National Accreditation System (SANAS). The Saiosh Council and CEO, Neels Nortje, with his team, have consistently aimed to improve benefits and offerings for its stakeholders. A massive thanks to our corporate and professional members for being an integral part of this progressive membership body. Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ