Accidents at work and work-related ill health can cause major disruptions to business processes, and the effect on the quality of life of the individual cannot be overstated. That’s why good occupational health and safety products and services are essential. Without these any company will flounder. We believe that the manufacturers and suppliers of those products and services need recognition – hence the introduction of the SHEQMAG Awards, which are intended to be the most prestigious health and safety awards on the African continent. They recognise organisations that have demonstrated commitment to occupational health, safety and well-being, regardless of their size or the sector in which they operate. Why should companies enter the SHEQMAG Awards? It takes time, effort and hard work to develop, manufacture and deliver occupational health and safety products and services. While providing well-deserved recognition to companies, the SHEQMAG Awards also help to: • Motivate teams; • Prove a company’s success both within the organisation and to others in the industry; • Benchmark a company against other leaders in the field; • Win new clients, partners and business opportunities; and • Showcase the company’s commitment to producing products and delivering services that promote excellent health and safety standards. Awards up for grabs There will be one overall winner from all the products entered, awarded to the most innovative product, and an overall winner from the services category. In addition, companies can also enter the special awards at no charge, which includes the SHEQMAG Product/Service of the Year, the SHEQMAG Company of the Year and the SHEQMAG Wellness Initiative. Key dates December 2019: Publication of the 2020 SHEQ MANAGEMENT Handbook, which includes the launch of the SHEQMAG Awards. April 30, 2020: Deadline for submission of entries. June 2-4, 2020: Winners announced at awards function at A-OSH Expo, Africa’s foremost OSH trade show, which takes place at Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand. July 20, 2020: Deadline for confirmation of participation in Issue 4/2020 of SHEQ MANAGEMENT, in which the winners will be celebrated. Click here to apply Sponsors