NO entry fee Company name: Please send us a motivation explaining why you think your company should be the SHEQMAG Company of the Year. Here are some guidelines, which will help you to compile your motivation. You can simply answer these questions. 1. How do your directors and senior managers lead health and safety in your organisation? 2. How does your organisation ensure that it has access to competent advice and services, including in relation to occupational health and safety? 3. How does your organisation engage the workforce and their representatives in health and safety and what have been the benefits? 4. How does your organisation ensure that all its employees and contractors are competent to fulfil their roles in health and safety? Describe the approach taken in the selection and monitoring of contractors. 5. How does your organisation use risk assessment to identify appropriate control measures for significant hazards to health and safety? 6. How does your organisation ensure that health and safety information is communicated effectively within and beyond the organisation? 7. Describe your organisation’s approach to active monitoring and measurement of its safety and health performance, and how this continues to evolve. 8. How does your organisation ensure that it investigates health and safety problems and implements lessons learned? How does it manage sickness absence? 9. How does your organisation review its health and safety performance periodically to assess progress against targets, set new priorities and report on them? Describe how the results of reviews inform business planning. 10. Beyond compliance: How is your organisation going above and beyond in leading on safety in and outside of work (in the home and community)? 11. Provide accident, ill health and enforcement data. In what way do you consider your company to set benchmarks in the sector in which it competes? Saiosh member? YesNo Name of person submitting entry form: Telephone number of person submitting entry form: Email address of person submitting entry form: Postal address: Company website: Company social media handles/tags: You are welcome to submit photographs, reports, brochures and/or other attachments to support your entry. Please keep the file size limit of each attachment to 5mb. If you would like to submit larger files, please send it via e-mail or WeTransfer to Δ